Tuesday, 4 November 2008

the minds eye

last weekend, i met a most fascinating skater!! he has a "kondition" kalled synesthesia. uuhhmm i wunt really kall it a medikal kondition kauze its pretty awesome. he kan literally taste sounds. he'd skam women of their fone number and never end up kalling kauze their voice was not "tasty". you know, the kutesy, babyish, high-pitched tone some women have?? totally tastes like bleach apparently. haHahaha!!! he loves the sound of skateboards popping. tastes like cherry pie ala mode. gosh. it was riveting!!

i used to learn about this stuff back in art skool. but to meet sumone who aktually has synesthesia?! i dunt look at it as a "disability". i've always wundered wat if really we were the "freaks". we're the strange ones who lack the kapacity to have extended sense and perception of the world? i know synesthesia is essentially about how our brain is "wired". but science aside..... it really makes you wunder hey? kewl beans