Friday, 24 October 2008

when skaters unite.....

i've been working on an amazing feature story on the fate & future of Wool Store!! as far as i'm koncerned its one of dopest spots to skate in the world. the rumor mills been churning devious tales of demolition & destruction. apparently sum property real estate wankers are gonna turn it into a bunch of shitty apartments. 

it was wikkid chatting with the woolstore krew. met a lokal skater who made his own skate video kalled "woolstore laif". big up to the folks at momentum!! they are the bestest. i kudnt have done this without them. i've uploaded a few fotos of wool store. i noe it looks damn ghetto that tearing it down might even be a good idea. but this spot is GOLD!! we've had pro-skaters from all over the world who will attest to that. 

in proposing this feature, my "chief-editor" gave me the filthiest look and asked, "how is this newsworthy? they're just a bunch of skaters. i thought skating is dead? i understand it used to be hip. but now?" WHAAAT?!! since when was skateboarding a trend?? i wunt get into the nasty details (and there is plenty). so i grinned my teeth, admitted i am a fuckin idiot for wanting to do this. a story like this needs to be done!! so he sighed, pat me on the back & sent me on my way. dick.  

skaters have been wrangling & fighting their way in kommunities & cities to keep spots like these alive. if you've never been a skater, i dunt think you'll ever understand why this is so important. dunt give us designated skate parks. if thats the kase.... then lets abolish beaches. swim only in artificially man made swimming pools. fuck the foot path!! you joggers shud just buy a threadmill. seems unreasonable & far fetched innit? my point exaktly.