duuuude!! summers round the korner and i am stoked!!! the past kouple of months have been ominous in guerrilla land. a good fren of mine kommited suicide. he hung himself in his bedroom. friggin unbelievable. and the boy i've been kompletely besotted with the past few years?? he's in a relationship with sum HK fashion designer & kept it sekret from me. history repeats itself all over. i feel so numb & emotionless. fucked my ankle too last month skating. but i say to the world a big.... FUCK YOU!!! i'm still standing!!
so i'm back to my old routine: i'm rarely on msn in the mornings & out skating insted or in the garden with a tall glass of iced mint tea & a book in hand. my passion for hardkore musik is re-ignited for sum reason. i kudnt be more posi & happy. kant remember the last time i've felt so driven!! so much that i've been kraving to eat red meat recently. weird hey?? nevertheless, i've settled for & perfected the art of making a wikkid!! "un-tuna" sandwich. looks like the real thang huh? zse zse zse.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
the sun is shining.......
when life gives you lemons, you paint that shit gold!! i think i'm being harsh on myself burning bridges everywhere. but i'm sick & tired of being treated like a "doormat". its not fair. so i'm moving on. i know i've been horrendous with blogging too. there are a million drafts waiting to be published. terrible. but i'll try and keep up to date eh? okay okay. you'll believe when you see it. haHaha!! but it feels good to be back!!!