yesterday.... i went SHOPPING!! okay i lied. my girlfrens dunt kall this shopping. they say i buy "rubbish" apparently. haHaha!! omigawd!!! i'm soooo friggin happy!!!! i bought 2 sets of bearings, a set of 52 spitfire wheels, a 'Thrasher: oh god! why can't my boyfriend skate?!' tee shirt & kolourful enjoi nuts & bolts!! been wanting to buy this Thrasher tee-shirt for over 8 years man. mine got FINALLY!!! muahaHaha!! if you're a perth city skater popping over the evil isle on transit or a short vakation, buy your hardware here!!!! my wheels are $15 cheaper. the bearings are $40 less for the swiss & $15 less for the reds. as you know Trasher doesnt ship outside the states, so finding these tee-shirts on the shelves of your lokal skate shop is the best feeling ever. needless to say i went for a lovely skate sesh at ang mo kio banks late last night. AMK reprezent!!!