darling andre invited me over his studio for an intimate gathering of old frens from our lasalle days. he katered food. drinks were free flowing & he had an amazing mix of musik blaring. his studio was in a "light industrial" area on the west side of the isle. but fuckinell!!! the krew didnt show up. thats weak hey? a fren goes thru all this trouble to organize shit... and no one fronts!!! fuck 'em. big uuup!!! to my man andre. becos i had a blast!!!!!!the guilty party: andre
rebecca, stephan, din & ah long
i'm loving andres space!!! we were both painting majors in lasalle. 2 other painting majors were at the party as well. but andre & me have always been kontemporary artists. so i LOVE love looove love his works. din-ability is now a freelance illustrator/ comic artist/ animator. whilst 'ah-long' is a chef at his parents buddhist veggo restaurant in chinatown. but andre..... he stayed true to fine arts. wat a trooper. i am so genuinely happy for his success and hopes he goes on to make it very BIG in asia sumday!!!!!! bless.