one of the kewlest films i've watched this year has to be red cliff 2!! it chronikles the definative battle that changed the history of china now as we noe it. i rarely blogg about films (and am not about to start). but just wanted to say this film forced me to think...!! how one single event in our lives kud radikally alter the kourse of our future. that there is no poetik justice in fighting one war to end all wars. there are no real winners in war. we all inevitably lose sumhow.
zhou yu (played by tony leung my fave asian actor!!!!) & his wife quote chunks of sun-tzu's 'art of war' in the film. and they're not the only kharakters that do!!!! gosh. listening to the "exchange". those words so poetik. beautiful. mesmerizing even!! when you think about real death & destruktion on battlefields... its pretty ironik hey? like looking at a blood diamond & thinking "how kud sumthing so pretty kauze so much destruktion & death??" we ALL walk away from the movies with a different perspektive. this is a fucking brilliant film!!!!! .... watch it so we kan exchange notes. its a krucial promise!!!!!!!