Monday, 21 September 2009

鬼佬 'gwei lo' blues.

i have been working in HK for many many months now. and in the words of Wiley "i fink i'm goin' maaad mayte. i fink i'm losing my mind....". and thats exaktly how its been. i've found kontempt for native cantonese women who wud suck every caucasian (good looking) dick they meet. but i wunt get into that as i happen to like the populace in general (write to me privately. i'll tell you!!) the weathers as psycho as some of them HK bitches. typhoon season lor!! here's the latest announcement on tropical cyclone Koppu (which sounds like "Kaput"!!) hyuk! hyuk!

i've been spending so much time in Australia recently. its as if i'm not a resident in HK!! the horrendous misty & humid air is doing my head in. think i've had enuff of HK. cant wait for my kontract to be over!!!!! i plan on finally moving to the UK late next year. grandma is Scottish & grandad is Irish... so i've qualified for UK ancestry visa. i might live in London for a kouple of years or so. in that time i plan on skating & travelling europe. hopefully i am able to set some roots down for my skate company as well. i've been procrastinating my move over..... thanks to a broken heart!! but i'm feeling wikkid about moving next year. feels right.... innit?