one of my fave things to do on the evil isle is sit by the radio at midnight with my mum and listen to ria's 'misteri jam 12'. its a malay program where listeners send in emails & kall to share on air personal enkounters with the supernatural. pontianak (a.k.a 'fatimah rocker') & pocong are always hot topiks. i found it entertaining until last week... they talked about hauntings on pulau ubin. the hairs on the back of my neck stood on ends!!

as most of you know.... my fren drowned at ubin. i was there on the island but was far away at the quarry at the time she drowned. a few kallers apparently mentioned that my "late" fren has turned into "sumthing else". sumthing skary!! lots of reports of families fishing by that river klaim they've seen her. it was kreepy!!

a kouple of days ago... my brother in law made me watch a reality style doko kalled '
wujud 2'. they challenge skeptik viewers by chucking them in haunted parts of the evil isle from midnight to dawn & place infra-red kameras to kapture the experience. oohmygaaawd!! the images!! so skaaaaary!!! i havent been able to sleep well since then. *shudders* i dunt understand why we're kurious kreatures who challenge & question the existence of such things. just becos we dunt see them dunt mean they dunt exist!!