*edit* our new address is: guerrrilla.net . see you there!!
guerrilla's got a brand new home on the world wide web. thank you for your years of support & in reading this humble blog.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
we have MOVED!!!
Monday, 12 October 2009
too damn right!!!!
i once read that 'utopia' means 'no place' derived from the greek 'O'topia. others surmise its origins is from 'eu' (as in 'eugenics'). which means 'healthy place' or 'good place'. sir thomas more in his 16th century Utopia might have been punning when he said "utopia is the good place that doesnt exist". too damn right!!

Thursday, 8 October 2009
grimey skate spot
here are some of the fotos i took of that wikkid new skate spot in the city!! its very "basic" at the moment. rail.... fun box & a ramp. theres a charred mattress & a few wonky looking office chairs strewn about. but i instantly fell in LOVE with this spot!!!!! *sigh* i kan imagine wat it feels like skating places like 'royal oak' in London (fingers krossed next year) or brooklyn bridge in NY. this spot has that sort of potential.
i think i have a penchant for undercover spots? its just nice to be sheltered from the sun & rain. especially when you're mockingly meters away from torrential rain but the ground you skate on is bone dry. weeeeeeee!!! sheer bliss. these fotos are from my kamera fone.... so they're pretty awful. i will promise to upload MORE of 'mounts bay' the next kouple of weeks. happy skating everyone!!!!!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
good vibes
Friday, 2 October 2009
i'm fucked up cause i love LV. i know... i know. its an old ladies handbag. and if you're not a hag then you're a friggin poser or a fag who likes mass produced.. monogrammed prints... lack a unique fashion identity & all that malarkey. but i dunt give a toss!! cause you gotta admit.... this. is. fully. SICK innit?!!!!! LV & skateboards all in one?! ooooh baby!!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
i've always loved kollecting buttons & pins. it all started back when i was working at Hard Rock Cafe to pay my way thru art college. pins are sorta part of the uniform. what started as a requirement for work became an unexpectedly large kollection!! i even designed 2 of their pins when i was a member of staff for world aids day & the 8th anniversary pin as highlighted below.
i dunt know why but i recently had this urge to wear buttons again after a 7 year hiatus. oh. my gosh!! i totally forgot the kick ass ones i've kept!!! but my all time fave simply says "skateboarder by day, deadly ninja by night" haHaha!!! i've got a ginormous box filled with buttons. mostly skate/ sxe/ drum&bass/ rebellion related graphix. i love it!!!
so it got me thinking maybe i shud start pressing buttons for guerrrilla skateboards? most skate shops & manufacturers give out free stickers as well (which is pretty standard). buttons: its something to seriously konsider. i need to go find me a button press/ maker. now where the hell do i get one? hmmm...... and i am so excited about this WIKKID new skate spot me mates are taking me this weekend!!!!!! i have got to bring my kamera!!!!! yeessh!!
Monday, 28 September 2009
3 words: oooh my daaay!! it was like watching my old man perform in his hey days. i've always loved 'wolfmother' as a band. but watching them "live" was 1,0000,000 times better!! it. was. epic. the support band Yves Klein Blue wasnt too shabby either. sounding like a mix of rockabilly.. grunge and soul.... they delivered a wikkid solid set. i've heard their choon 'polka' from a mitsi lancer sport pack ad. who wudve thought the rest of their album was brimming with awesome-ness as well!!!!!